Belo Monte auction goes forward after court overrules second injunction
Verena Glass, Movimento Xingu Vivo Para Sempre: +55-11-9853-9950,
Aviva Imhof, International Rivers, +1-510-717-4745,
Atossa Soltani, Amazon Watch: +1-202-256-9795
Verena Glass, Movimento Xingu Vivo Para Sempre: +55-11-9853-9950,
Aviva Imhof, International Rivers, +1-510-717-4745,
Atossa Soltani, Amazon Watch: +1-202-256-9795
Today's bidding process for the controversial Belo Monte Dam project was marked by protests and confusion as a second injunction issued late yesterday suspended the dam auction overnight, throwing the bidding process into a state of chaos just minutes before it was set to begin. Throughout Brazil, indigenous, environmental and social movements organized protests in more than nine cities in eight states. Internationally, phone calls begun pouring into Brazilian Embassies, condemning the government's interference in the judicial system and attempts to push through the project at all costs.
Thousands of
people including indigenous people, the Brazilian Movement of Dam-Affected
People, the Landless Workers Movement, and environmentalists are engaging in coordinated
simultaneous protest actions in Brasilia and in the capital cities Fortaleza,
Florianópolis, Porto Alegre, Porto Velho, Belo Horizonte, Belém, Campina
Grande, and the city of Altamira, which would be partially flooded by the Belo
Monte reservoir.
Meanwhile, boats full of indigenous people, including Kayapo, began arriving on
the proposed dam site located on Pimental Island on the Xingu River's Big Bend
to establish a permanent village to block dam construction.
Protesting the dam project in Brasilia, Greenpeace and indigenous peoples
blockaded the entrance of ANEEL, the Brazilian national electrical energy
agency. In Belem, 700 local people occupied the offices of Electronorte. And
near the town of Altamira, the Landless Workers Movement and the Movement of
Dam-Affected People (MAB) blockaded the TransAmazon Highway.
The Belo Monte controversy captured worldwide headlines last week after Avatar director
James Cameron and actors Sigourney Weaver and Joel David Moore visited the
Xingu region and joined protests by indigenous and locally affected populations
in Brasilia against the dam project. The controversy has dominated news
headlines in Brazil.
"The Lula government is clearly pressuring the courts to approve Belo
Monte against the rights and interests of indigenous people and the local
populations of the Xingú, and it's our lives at stake. Even so, the
people affected by this dam are united and determined to stop the project, we
will not give up this fight," said Sheyla Yakarepi Juruna of the Juruna
people, who met with judges on Monday urging the President of the Appellate
Court for Region 1, Jirair Meguerian, to uphold the injunction.
On Friday, April 16th, a regional appellate court overturned a decision by
Federal Judge Antonio Carlos de Almeida Campelo to suspend the preliminary
license for the dam and cancel the auction, scheduled for Tuesday, April
20th. In his ruling, de Almeida considered the project to present a
"danger of irreparable harm." A second injunction to suspend
the decision on April 19th was also overturned by the Appellate Court just
moments before the auction was set to begin and Brazil's electric utility ANEEL
has reinstated today's auction.
The generating capacity of Belo Monte would be the world's third highest behind Three Gorges and Itaipú dams. Two consortia vied for the rights to build the project: Norte Energia, which includes the state-owned CHESF and eight private companies; and Belo Monte Energia, which includes the state-owned Eletrosul, in addition to five private companies including mining giant Vale. Major investors such as Alcoa, GDF Suez, Odebrecht, and Camargo Corrêa chose not to participate in the bidding process due to concerns over a lack of economic viability, project delay, and interest in other mega-investments.
To build Belo
Monte, the winning consortium would need to dig two huge canals that would
involve moving more earth than was dug for the Panama Canal to divert water
from the river to an artificial reservoir. By doing so the Big Bend or
Volta Grande - home to the Paquiçamba indigenous territory of the Juruna people
and the Arara people - would be dried out, gravely affecting the livelihoods of
indigenous and riverine families who depend on the water for subsistence.
All told some 45,000 people are directly affected by the either flooding or
diversion of the river.
International groups continue to join ranks with their counterparts in
Brazilian civil society in pressuring the Brazilian government to suspend Belo
Monte, as organizations and individuals around the world called local Brazilian
embassies to protest the government's plan to build the project despite
widespread violations of indigenous rights.
violation of indigenous rights is a matter of national and international
concern. Brazil doesn't need the Belo Monte Dam. By investing in energy
efficiency Brazil could avoid the need for as many as 14 Belo Monte dams and
save billions of dollars in the process. Belo Monte Dam just doesn't make
sense," said Aviva Imhof, Campaigns Director of International Rivers.
Financially, the US$12 - $17 billion Belo Monte Dam is a risky project,
generating only 10-30 percent of its 11,233 Megawatts (MW) installed capacity
during the dry season, and an annual average of only 4,462 MW. To make the
project viable in a context of huge financial uncertainties and pressure from
private investors to lower the auction's price ceiling, the government has had
to draw from public pension funds and issue US$4 billion of credit from the
public Brazilian National Development Bank (BNDES). Just to meet the
project's 11,233 MW generating capacity, additional costly dams would need to
be built further upstream, threatening a vast area of tropical rainforests and
affecting many of the 24 indigenous groups along the Xingu River.