Civil society statement of opposition to oil and gas extraction in the DRC
Emmanuel Musuyu | CORAP | | +243 811 697 699
Pascal Mirindi | Extinction Rebellion (XR) Université des Goma | | +243 979 672 109
Patient Muamba | CORAP || +243 994 862 267
Emmanuel Musuyu | CORAP | | +243 811 697 699
Pascal Mirindi | Extinction Rebellion (XR) Université des Goma | | +243 979 672 109
Patient Muamba | CORAP || +243 994 862 267
National and international civil society organizations have consistently opposed the tendering of oil and gas blocks that was launched on July 28, 2022 in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). We now welcome the decision on October 11, 2024 by the Minister of Hydrocarbons to partially cancel(1) this tendering process. The initial auction would have awarded 27 oil blocks and 3 gas blocks impinging on the territories of local communities and indigenous peoples, as well as several protected areas. According to the Ministry, the tender was canceled for several reasons, including the lack of applicants for certain blocks; ineligible, late, inappropriate, or irregular bids; and insufficient competition.
These problems are not news to civil society, which has been trying to draw attention to them since the beginning of the process. At no point has the tendering process taken into account the opinions of communities or their well-being, let alone the promises of development made to the Congolese people. The problems with the process, which have been obvious since the call for tenders was opened, have revealed a lack of transparency and respect for the rule of law that endangers not only the lives of local populations, but also the country’s fragile ecosystems, unique biodiversity, and economy.
The tender has already exposed the country to economic risks due to numerous irregularities from the outset and throughout the process. For example, 11 of the 27 blocks put up for auction were never approved by the Council of Ministers, in violation of the Law on Hydrocarbons, and 13 blocks were located in protected areas, which contravenes environmental legislation. These illegalities could entitle multinational companies to sue the Congolese government for damages, a consequence that the DRC already suffered once in 2018, when it was ordered to pay over $600 million to the South African company Dig Oil due to irregularities linked to oil blocks in the Albertine Graben and Cuvette Centrale regions.
The purpose of this statement is to welcome the partial cancellation of the call for tenders. We also reaffirm our opposition to any oil and gas extraction in the DRC, which would have disastrous consequences for the lives of the Congolese people, food security, biodiversity conservation, land rights, and the rural fishing economy, as well as the fight against climate change. It would also run counter to national laws and commitments made by the DRC. For all these reasons, our campaign, known by its French-language name Notre Terre Sans Pétrole (Our Land Without Oil), calls for a permanent end to all future plans to award new hydrocarbon extraction rights, and the cancellation of the two Production Sharing Agreements (PSAs) for the gas blocks that have already been signed.
Two of the three gas blocks that were tendered in 2022 were awarded through Production Sharing Agreements, in violation of various provisions of the Law on Hydrocarbons. This is the case for Alfajiri, for example, a Canadian company under Congolese management. Incorporated on January 10, 2022, just a few weeks after the government announced its intention to auction(2) the oil blocks, the company was unable to provide financial statements for the previous three years in its bid, as required by law. Meanwhile, an American start-up founded in 2018(3) called Winds Exploration and Production that currently operates some 30 gas wells in the United States of America, anticipates investing $500 million in the Idjwi block, despite sales of less than US$5 million according to numerous economic analysis sites(4). In addition, at the time the PSA was signed with the company, the State of Texas had revoked(5) the company's certificate of organization for alleged non-payment of the franchise tax, rendering it legally inactive and unable to conduct business in the state where it is based. The American company Symbion Power is said to be in talks to secure the third gas block. According to our sources in the Ministry of Hydrocarbons, it is demanding a concession contract, in violation of Congolese law.
In addition, the Production Sharing Agreements for the gas blocks were awarded without any prior consultation with the surrounding communities, in violation of Article 9 of the Law establishing Fundamental Principles of Environmental Protection, which states: "Everyone has the right to participate in the decision-making process concerning the environment and the management of natural resources."
At the same time as he announced the cancellation of the call for tenders for the oil blocks, the Minister declared that a new process would be launched shortly, this time via restricted tendering. This announcement has raised serious concerns among civil society. Such an approach would exacerbate perceptions of corruption and favoritism. Our concerns have been magnified by recent revelations involving the Congolese Ministry of Hydrocarbons, which is said to have promised this restricted process for certain blocks to the company ClayHall Group DMCC in exchange for funding(6) an assessment study of the country's sedimentary basins.
The Congolese government has also expressed that it wishes to connect up with the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP)(7), a project led by TotalEnergies, CNOOC, and the Ugandan and Tanzanian governments. This 1,443 km pipeline is intended to transport oil extracted from the shores of Lake Albert in Uganda, including in Murchison Falls National Park, to the port of Tanga in Tanzania. The project’s impacts(8) such as the displacement of more than 100,000 people and the direct threat to many fragile ecosystems bordering the DRC – are raising serious concerns. The connection to EACOP sought by the Congolese authorities also poses a major risk to the tens of thousands of people who rely directly or indirectly on Lake Albert's resources, not least because of the dangers of pollution linked to oil extraction. Organizations are also warning that hydrocarbon development could exacerbate the armed conflicts already plaguing these regions.
The experience of oil extraction in Muanda, in western DRC, has shown that it brings no economic development to the region or the country, but rather causes serious environmental damage to local communities and extensive pollution of the region. Rather than focusing on a declining fossil fuel industry, the Congolese government and its partners should concentrate on strengthening the country's economy through sustainable development that brings concrete, tangible benefits to the Congolese people. It is possible to build a self-sustaining economy based on alternative development models that respect the rights of communities, the environment and biodiversity, and also generate local employment. The Virunga Alliance's electrification and local development projects in North Kivu Province can serve as an example. Such an approach would enable the DRC to serve as a "Solution Country" in the fight against climate change, rather than worsening it.
The DRC is already one of the countries that is most deeply affected by environmental degradation and climate change, and we cannot afford a project that further exacerbates these risks. We reiterate our call for the complete cancellation of all hydrocarbon exploration projects, including the gas blocks, and urge the government to refrain from any new initiatives in this sector.
First signatories
Congolese organisations, movements, and community groups
- Actions pour la Promotion et Protection des Peuples et Espèces Menacés en RDC (APEM) | Kinshasa
- Alerte Congolaise pour l'environnement et les droits de l'homme (ACEDH) | Goma
- Cadre de Concertation sur les Ressources Naturelles (CdC Ituri) | Bunia
- Coalition des Organisations de la Société Civile pour le Suivi des Réformes et de l’Action Publique (CORAP) | Kinshasa
- Dynamique des Groupes des Peuples Autochtones (DGPA) | Kinshasa
- Extinction Rébellion (XR) Université de Goma | Goma
- Fédération des Comités des Pêcheurs du Lac Albert (FECOPELA) | Bunia
- Fédération des Comités des Pêcheurs individuels du Lac Edouard (FECOPEiLE) | Goma
- Forum pour la Paix, l'Environnement et le Développement (FOPED) | Bunia
- Forum des Engagés pour le Développement Durable (FORED) | Bunia
- Innovation pour le Développement et la Protection de l'Environnement (IDPE) | Goma
- Initiative pour le Développement Local (IDEL) | Boma
- TRAFFED - Programme de Greenfaith RDC | Bukavu
Regional and international allies
- Africa
- Advocates for Community Alternatives (ACA) | Ghana
- Africa Institute for Energy Governance (AFIEGO) | Ouganda
- Amis de la Terre France | France
- BankTrack | Pay-Bas
- groundWork | Friends of the Earth | Afrique du Sud
- Inclusive Development International (IDI) | États-Unis
- Rainforest Foundation UK (RFUK) | Angleterre
- Tasha Research Institute Africa (TASHA) | Ouganda
Other signatories
Congolese organisations, movements, and community groups
- Actions pour le développement intégral par la conservation communautaire (ADIC) | Bukavu
- Amani Institute | Rutshuru
- Amis Humanitaires pour le Développement (AHD) | Bunia
- Association Congolaise pour le Relèvement Communautaires (ACRC)
- Association d'Entraide pour le Développement Intégral de la Femme (AEDIF) | Bunia
- Association des Filles Mères (AFM) | Bunia
- Association des Jeunes visionnaires pour le développement du Congo (AJVDC)
- Association des Mamans pour la Lutte contre le Traumatisme (AMALUT) | Ituri
- Association des pêcheurs pour le Développement Communautaire | Muanda
- Association pour le Développement Endogène et la Promotion des Activités des communautés Rurales (ADEPAR) | Matadi
- Badilika Droits Humains
- Bureau d'Écologistes pour Impacts Environnementaux (BEIE)
- Cadre d'Acteurs et d'Actions pour le Développement Durable (CAADD) | Muanda
- Cadre des acteurs de la société civile pour gouvernance des ressources naturelles dans le Kongo central (CAGRN/KC)
- Célébrons Le Courage De La Femme
- Centre National de Développement de la Femme Rurale du Congo (CÉNADEFRUC)
- Centre congolais pour le droit du développement durable (CODED) | Kinshasa
- Centre d'encadrement Intégral en approche genre (CEDI-AG) | Matadi
- Cercle des Jeunes Ambassadeurs du Climat (CJAC) | Bukavu
- Climate Clock
- Collectif des Femmes Rurales pour le Développement (COFERD) | Kikwit
- Collectif d'intellectuels pour le Renforcement de l'Education (CIPRE) | Goma
- Congo Green Solution | Goma
- Congo Nouveau
- Conseil Régional des Organisations Non Gouvernementales de Développement du Kasai Oriental (CRONGD) | Mbuji-Mayi
- Consortiul CBFC | Bukavu
- Corps de Volontaires pour le Développement Durable et Multi Sectoriel (COVODUM) | Kindu
- Conseil Régional des Organisations Non Gouvernementales de développement du Kongo Central | Matadi
- Défense Environnementale et Développement Durable (DEDUR) | Kinshasa | Lubumbashi
- DRC Climate Change Network
- Dynamique Communautaire Pour La Protection De l'Environnement Dans le Rift Albertin (DYCOPERA)
- Dynamique pour le Droit, la Démocratie et le Développement Durable (D5) | Boma
- Fédération Congolaise des Droits de l'Homme et de Développement (FCDHD) | Boma
- Femme en Action | Matadi
- Groupe d'Actions pour le Développement (GRAD)
- Héritier du Développement du Congo (HDC)
- Héritiers de la Justice | Bukavu
- Initiative Bonne Gouvernance des Ressources Naturelles au Kivu
- Initiative des Femmes pour le Développement Durable (IFEDD) | Matadi
- Institut pour la gouvernance et éducation électorale
- Ligue des Associations des Jeunes (Liaje) | Boma
- Mouvement Citoyen Debout Congolais (MCDC)
- Mouvement Citoyen Filimbi
- Mouvement de jeunes pour la protection de l'environnement en RDC (MJPE-RDC)
- Mouvement des jeunes en actions pour le changement en RDC (MOJAC-RDC)
- Nouvelle Dynamique de la Jeunesse Féminine (NDJF) | Matadi
- Initiative pour la Gestion Durable de l’environnement (ONG IGED) | Kinshasa
- Parlement des Jeunes du Kongo Central
- Plateformes des Organisations des Femmes des Quartiers Populaires (POFQ) | Kinshasa
- Programme d'appui au Développement Communautaire (PADC) | Bunia
- Rassemblement des Personnes handicapées pour le Développement Intégral (RPDI) | Bunia
- Regroupement des Unions des Associations des Pêcheurs Inga Isangila et Lufu
- Réseau des Journalistes œuvrant pour la Sécurité Alimentaire (REJOSA) | Bukavu
- Réseau pour la Conservation et la Réhabilitation des Écosystèmes Forestier (Réseau CREF)
- Réseau Des Journalistes Engagés Pour l'Environnement et le Climat dans la Province du Kongo Central (RJEC-KC) | Boma
- Réseau des Organisations pour la Conservation et la Protection de l’Environnement
- Save My World
- Second Chance | Bunia
- Solidarité Paysanne
- Solidarité pour la Protection des Droits de l'Enfant (SOPRODE)
- Synergie des Jeunes pour le Développement et les Droits Humains (SJDDH)
- Talitha Koumi | Muanda
- Trans Girls Can (TGC) | Baraka
- Union Congolaise pour la Conservation de la Nature et le Développement Durable (UCCND)
- Young Congo Farmers Alliance
- 100% Jeunes asbl
Regional and international allies
- Africa Just Transition Network | Africa Coal Network
- African Centre for Biodiversity | Afrique du Sud
- African Initiative on Food Security and Environment (AIFE) | Ouganda
- Buliisa Youth Circle | Ouganda
- Association des Jeunes Arc-en-ciel pour la Stabilité Sociale en Afrique (AJASSA) | Tchad
- Care for Environment | Cameroun
- Centre for Citizens Conserving Environment & Management (CECIC) | Ouganda
- Center for Conservation and Ecoenergy Initiative (CCEI) | Ouganda
- Center for Environmental Research and Agriculture Innovations (CERAI) | Ouganda
- Center for Transnational Environmental Accountability (CTEA) | États-Unis
- Citizens Network for Community Development | Zambie
- Climate Rights International | États-Unis
- ONG Créativité & Développement | République de Guinée
- Centre de Recherche et d'Action sur les Droits Économique Sociaux et Culturels (CRADESC) | Sénégal
- East African Crude Oil Pipeline Host Communities | Ouganda
- Environment Governance Institute | Ouganda
- Environmental Rights Action (ERA) | Friends of the Earth (FOE) | Nigéria
- Fridays for Future | Sierra Leone
- Fridays for Future | Ouganda
- Génération Consciente pour l'Environnement et la Culture (GCEC) | Cameroun
- Global Justice Clinic, NYU School of Law | États-Unis
- Green Rwanda Initiative | Rwanda
- Greenleaf Advocacy and Empowerment Center | Nigéria
- Hawkmoth | Pays-Bas
- International Rivers | États-Unis
- Jamaa Resource Initiatives | Kenya
- Laudato Si' Movement | Global
- Oil Change International | États-Unis
- Peace Point Development Foundation (PPDF) | Nigéria
- Publish What You Pay Madagascar
- Quest for Growth and Development Foundation | Nigéria
- Rainforest Rescue | Allemagne
- Renewable Energy Coalition | Bénin
- Centre de Recherches et d’Appui pour les Alternatives de développement – Océan Indien (CRAAD-OI) (Madagascar)
- Save Virunga | Global
- Serapend as Ditlare and Environment | Afrique du Sud
- Society for Women and Youth Affairs (SWAYA) | Nigéria
- Strategic Response on Environmental Conservation (STREC) | Ouganda
- The Oakland Institute | États-Unis
- Umo Isua-Ikoh | Nigéria
- Vostile Creatives Trust | Zimbabwe
- Women for Green Nature | Ouganda
- Women on Environment Mission | Ouganda
- WoMin African Alliance | Afrique du Sud
- Youth For Environmental Justice and Climate Action (YECA) | Ouganda
- Youth for Green Communities (YGC) | Ouganda
- Youth for Nature Conservancy | Ouganda
(5) enchere-de-combustibles-fossiles-en-rdc-apres-la-signature-par-le-gouvernement-daccords-de- partage-de-production-de-gaz-douteux/?im-dIpxBQTN=5820693537062736002