Mickey and Minnie Protest Disney Rainforest Destruction at Company HQ
Early this morning, two activists supporting Rainforest Action Network unfurled a 35 foot banner across The Walt Disney Company's two-story entrance arch that reads "Disney: Destroying Indonesia's Rainforests." Beneath them, Mickey and Minnie Mouse locked down to the main entrance gates to the company's Burbank headquarters-blockading Disney's executives from arriving to work through the main gates.
Please support these brave activists by taking action today. Tell Disney CEO Robert Iger that rainforest destruction is no fairy tale.
Indonesia's rainforests are some of the most biologically diverse in the
world and they are being destroyed at a rate of 200,000 to 400,000
acres per month. The pulp and paper industry is a primary cause of this
reckless deforestation. Most of top U.S. publishers of children's books
have taken strong steps to protect their supply chains from
controversial Indonesian fiber, but Disney, the largest publisher of
kids' books in the world, has refused to take action.
This bold action sends a loud message to Disney's top executives that
it is unacceptable for them to continue to drag their feet when they
have known for over a year that paper in Disney's children's books has
been proven to be connected to rainforest destruction and species
extinction in Indonesia.
Rainforest Action Network is asking The Walt Disney Company to eliminate
its use of controversial Indonesian fiber and publicly sever all
financial ties with APP and APRIL and their affiliates until key reforms
are adopted. RAN is also asking Disney to implement a comprehensive
company-wide paper policy and rigorous due diligence procedures that
ensure it is rainforest safe.
To follow @RANActions and @TheRightPaper on Twitter for up-to-the-minute reports on today's action.
UPDATE: 9am pst.
A swarm of police officers and fire trucks arrived at the Disney headquarters this morning and arrested Mickey and Minnie Mouse, using bolt cutters to break through the chains attaching them to the entrance gates. Above, a fire truck raised its ladder to cut down the banner and arrest the two climbers attached to the two story arch.
The arrested activists were Christopher Toomey, Jennifer Binstock, Blake Hodges and Alexis Dickason-Soto, all residents of the Los Angeles area. The activists are in the custody of the Burbank Police and charges are pending.
Though the protest lasted just short of an hour, this was time enough for helicopter and satellite news trucks to arrive and record the colorful scene.