Partner News
Sakhalin II: Six banks face serious decision
now that the Russian government has revoked the environmental permits
Sep 15 2006
| London, United Kingdom
Mika Minio Paluello:
Sep 15 2006
| London, United Kingdom
Mika Minio Paluello:
While the Russian government has deemed Shell’s controversial Sakhalin II project non-compliant with environmental plans and revoked environmental approval, six private banks continue to bid to arrange financing.
BankTrack has written to the Royal Bank of Scotland, ABN AMRO, BNP Paribas, Mizuho, SMBC and BoT-Mitsubishi, to call on them not to finance Sakhalin II due to the impacts on whale and marine biodiversity, geologic hazards, gender impacts, dumping in Aniva Bay, erosion, violations in in river crossings, failures in the environmental impact assessments and breaches of Russian environmental legislation.
Read the letter sent to RBS here.
BankTrack has written to the Royal Bank of Scotland, ABN AMRO, BNP Paribas, Mizuho, SMBC and BoT-Mitsubishi, to call on them not to finance Sakhalin II due to the impacts on whale and marine biodiversity, geologic hazards, gender impacts, dumping in Aniva Bay, erosion, violations in in river crossings, failures in the environmental impact assessments and breaches of Russian environmental legislation.
Read the letter sent to RBS here.
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