Equator Principles project database
The below database contains data sourced from the website of the Equator Principles (EPs), reported to the Equator Principles Association (EPA) by signatory financial institutions (EPFIs). It indicates the names of all Project Finance transactions that EPFIs reported as having financed since 2014 when reporting began.
The data is reproduced here in the interests of transparency, in a form which is searchable by bank and project, and which includes data previously published on the EPs website but no longer available there as reporting data on the EP website is deleted after two years. In addition, you can click on the links in the database to see both bank profiles and dodgy deal profiles where we have them on our website, for more information on the bank or project.
The data is presented as reported on the EPA website, maintaining all inconsistencies in how project names are reported sectors are categorised, and indeed whether projects are reported at all. (Reporting by EPFIs is subject to certain conditions, including client consent.) This means that projects may be listed under various different names.
BankTrack encourages the EPA to establish its own searchable database, to ensure that project names are reported consistently, and to make client consent for project name reporting a condition of receiving finance under the EPs.
For details on the reporting status of EPFIs, see our EP reporting tracking table tool.
See also: Equator Principles: New BankTrack database sheds light on patchy project name reporting, June 29th, 2020
Last update: August 28th, 2023. This database is updated twice annually.